Scrolling instagram feed, ays shared venge cosplaying a Majima. The fresh take, got me hyped to draw (that and the last part of her post, no spoilers 🍾)

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I'm working on this character that started out as a pc and now is just taking her own shape in my head... I'm enjoying myself A LOT.

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Did a character study warm up along with ‘s livestream ✨ it was really fun!
His name is... Karui 🤔

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Rainy day tarot readings ✨🔮 Illustration by
Rep: . "I've been really getting into experimenting with lighting and I like the way this one turned out"
View more work here:

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Since I'm renovating my new studio, I don't have much time to draw... So, here's some sketches and characters study ! I really need to finish some of those !

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Base sketch for Killer Croc splash complete. Halfway done, now its rendering and lighting. Lmk if you think I should change the colors or details like his pants etc :)

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