So Godot turned out to be a chauvinist so I had to adapt and improve

68 250

by David Chauvin

20 54

Lewis Michael is a weirdo little perv.
His books are full of disgusting male gaze homophobic crap "art" with even worse retarded plots.
Not even worth their price tag if you need paper to burn.

Stop this kind of chauvinist pig.
DO NOT BUY CHROMOSOME 96! This Halloween. On IGG

2 6

David Chauvin
번지는 빛 속에 선명한 그림자나 또렷이 빛을 반사하는 사물들

118 183

by David Chauvin

12 47

by David Chauvin

30 71

Je ne peins pas ce que je vois, je peins ce que je pense.
Pablo Picasso

🖼️David Chauvin

10 31

Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
— supermodel, actress, nightclub owner, industrialist
— self-proclaimed female chauvinist
— One time, she met Tony Stark on a plane and he told her she was pretty

9 31

Jeanne Chauvin (1862-1926), 1re femme à plaider en Fce 1901
1892: 1re Fçse doctorat Droit
Pr égalité éducation+ accès à ttes professions
1897 Ne peut prêter serment car loi n'autorise pas. Pressions féministes
1900 Loi votée> femmes peuvent accéder au barreau. Elle prête serment

0 1

🎨 Aurelie Chauvin

0 1

Some people always 'Male chauvinism' in their friends and impotence on the top of the table .

0 3

The Backlash Effect—An Outraged Sorority—will be the undoing of the chauvinist-in-chief. He is not capable of hiding his malicious callous disregard for women & every single menber of the that enables & emboldens him will feel the backlash too.

15 25

David Chauvin. (French)
다비드 쇼뱅, 프랑스 출신의 수채화가.
공기 속을 거니는 빛의 존재감.
눈부시게 번져오는 빛무리.

268 319

This week's word: Chauvinist - not the way to be remembered

1 0

David Chauvin. (French)
프랑스 출신의 수채화가 다비드 쇼뱅의 그림 속 '빛'.

941 1759

Thomas Chauvineau et Laurent Davezies dans les studios de Service Public !

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