
13 68

Auch wenn "Detektiv Conan 100" auf Mai verschoben werden musste, haben wir gute Nachrichten für alle Fans von Gosho Aoyama: Zu seinem superspaßigen Samurai-Abenteuer Yaiba, das im April an den Start geht, gibt es ab sofort eine digitale Leseprobe! 🐯🐯🐯 https://t.co/la0EugPlQD

10 58

「亜左 弔兵衛」// commission for my darling friend, kay 💛


15 40

Coming home from 4 days of sunny and 90 degrees at okeechobee and having to get snow and ice off of my car at the airport

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Meine thoughts👍
chobe passt simply in mein beuteschema

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Fav characters
2- Shija
3- Yuzuriha 😭😭😭😭😭
4- gabimaru
Tenza 😭😭😭, Yui, Mei, Toma

Pretty much everyone else except for Aza chobe (don’t hate him, but I don’t like him

5 33

It is a truth universally acknowledged that chem will post whatever she wants

4 8

Aza Chobe - Jigokuraku

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Happy birthday Rob and EchoBeat! ❤️🌊

I put extra effort into this one, and I'm happy with it! Yes it's another shiny, cus pink is closer to red than blue, and it helps stand out against the background.

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🍰Sharing cake🍰 (base by chobeaneel7070)

11 30

Last drawing, a little bit past due, but here nonetheless!

5 19

(Maine Coon: a type of cat)
Shut Claw

11 31

We just released 3 new NFTs into our lootbox!

Cryptora - 250 mints
Art by

Moonkeeper - 350 mints
Art by

MachoBear - 450 mints
Art by

Come join the fun!

12 29

Took me a while but here's the second pic!

More are coming soon 👀🎃🧙‍♀️

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Day 12 of "Crossover." In my Fallout: Equestria AU, Linkin Pony worked with the Ministry of Peace. EchoBeat, and the others, met with Fluttershy on a few occasions.

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2 Art trades for character I did for
psychoberries and w-olfsbane

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Another design, this time a regional variant of Chimecho! It's similar to other Chimecho but can emit more unique sounds & focuses more on protecting & healing its allies. It evolves into Echobelle if it knows the move Heal Bell.

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