The opening story in this is called Food Fight. Both of these titles lack so much gravitas I feel like either Chris Claremont was too powerful to be questioned or he had no power and they made him take it.

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Even for this almost unkillable mutant, though, the endurance test of being a Claremont-character proves too much; his animal state can't protect him from his pain–or himself–and the man breaks down, howling into the night.

Introducing the issue through Logan's mental state...

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Ever the avatar of Claremont's frustration with the decisions (of other writers) beyond his control, CC takes some time early in this issue to advance Madelyne's plot while seemingly cementing her relationship to the Phoenix Force, and by extension, Jean.

I'm unsure of the...

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...lingering effects hang over the book and its cast like an albatross.

But before our reunion with the X-Men begins, we first visit the memories of Madelyne Pryor as she relives the terror of the plane crash, effectively captured by Claremont's high-density prose and narration.

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If Chris Claremont had not left X-men in 91, the Shadow King story would not have ended the same. Polaris would have stayed large and if Fabian Nicieza had X-Factor, the lineup would have been very different. So this is my proposed alternate lineups.

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…when a younger Charles Xavier first met Magneto while helping with volunteer relief efforts at a hospital in Haifa, Israel around a decade after WWII.

This first encounter was originally showcased in UNCANNY X-MEN by Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum…

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Remys got a series now?? And by Claremont???

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- Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War de Christos Gage, Donald Mustard, Sergio Fernandez Davila, Sean Parsons, Belardino Brabo et Edgar Delgado.
- Gambit de Chris Claremont, Sid Kotian et Espen Grundetjern.
- Iron Fist de Alyssa Wong, Michael YG et Jay David Ramos.

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FF (1998) by Claremont & Larocca
Claremont writes a damn good F4, its crazy, all over the place and has great characterization. Valerias 1st appearance is here.
FF (1998) by Pacheco & Loeb
Fun little arc, a good lead in before Waid

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I like that Ka Zar looks so much like a Jim Lee drawing. Like as a kid out of all the Claremont and Jim Lee issues of Uncanny I really loved the Magneto & Rogue Savage Land story arc

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Excalibur by Alan Davis! Loved the Claremont-written issues, but Alan Davis's art is essential.

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It's strange how much of when Chris Claremont came to Dc parallels Bendis now, as both did Superman with mixed results, created new characters that no one else will use, did Justice League runs where the book would soon end and both did a young heroes books that wasn't the Titans

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Interested to read Claremont's Gambit! That cover art for Antman is brilliant!! Allred's Superman looks like a trip!

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I was wrong for thinking Chris Claremont ruined the X-Men during his series run. His work is actually great and I’d rather read that than suffer to the woke Krakoa-era X-Men comics.

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X-Men # 3

The Rogue/Gambit “romance” initiated here, as best as I can recall. While they were both brainwashed. When Claremont left (after this issue!) nobody knew what to do so they just decided to make these characters just…go on a non-brainwashed date

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Preview de Gambit (of 5) par Chris Claremont, Sid Kotian et Espen Grundetern chez

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