Working on artwork for Colossalcon 2019 and finishing up my cosplay for Ohayocon 2019. One more day and i'll be in columbus hanging

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colossalcon wont be ready for this

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These were sticker ideas i did for Colossalcon back in June. Only Blue Diamond and Peridot made it to the actual sticker page. I didnt have enough time to color amethyst a at the time.

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Phew! He's printed and ready to go for Colossalcon! I can breathe easily now~

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A FINAL LINEUP!!! in no particular order ❤️ see you guys there!

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I finished mermaid Bakugou for !!!! He came outsoawesome~ I can't wait to make more of the characters! Also I will be selling him and Deku as stickers at the craft fair on Thursday at Colossalcon!

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Colossalcon is 6 days away!! O3O concrunch is killing me!!! Is anybody else going? :3

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Taking a pause on Carol to work on my cosplays. I’m hoping to finish Roll (Megaman) this weekend, minus the wig which I’m ordering and styling later.

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13) File Lum under "If I lose 20 lbs and go to Colossalcon"

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I would like to raise you this thing from ColossalCon

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"hey allister what was colossalcon like"

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T - 6 hours until our first show! Cannot wait.

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Giving out free stickers at this weekend!! Come find me ☀️

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SOS ‼️We need a nautical Michiru for our FULL GROUP 10 AM SATURDAY of !!! Please DM me if you can join!! PLS RT!

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Going to next week!!!! Super excited 💖 Hopefully I'll find out my AA table number before the con 🙏

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