primeira sexta feira do mês, que papai oxalá possa nos conceder um mês de prosperidade e paz! 🤍

1055 4513

OK I know when to concede defeat. Plumber coming out tomorrow to do it... Thanks for all the help and suggestions tho! At least I know how to turn the water off now to the house 😂

0 20

this gives me an idea.

(Paper > Rock) Lara is cowed by Amy's superior height
(Rock > Scissors) Fiona's immense size triggers Lara's fight/flight "Allosaurus attacks Brontosaurus" response
(Scissors > Paper) Amy sees no reason to fight Fiona & concedes

0 0

20. me concedes este baile?~ 🎶

4 21

Golden Kamuy, ganador del Gran Premio de la Asociación de Dibujantes de Japón: la comedia de acción de Satoru Noda, cuya publicación recientemente ha finalizado, se alza con este prestigioso galardón que se concede desde hace más de 50 años. Leer más:

44 175

Everyday I concede hope, hoping that it would help delay the inevitable.

"Peace For Our Time" is now available on

🚨 BUY NOW for 0.08 $ETH only

Link in 🧵

48 116

Imomushi é um prestativo e fiel, que lhe concederá recursos como pedra e madeira para ajudá-lo a construir seu caminho para a virtude 🐛🌳💜 Os espíritos da floresta estão esperando por você. Você vai atender a ligação dele?🦌✨ em breve.

3 12

lmy, gone mad with power: i will concede the throne to you. if you marry my brother
lqg and sqh:

12 110

The light may be faint, but it's still there. The journey's far from over because in the end, we are the light. Tayo ang we weep, but we will never concede.

11 22

I'll concede that the original radiant historia was more stylized, but consider: Garland's upgraded titties

0 1

i will concede that these are some jrpg-ass creature designs in this movie though

0 1

Aquí dejo algunas muestras de mi arte, por si estas interesado y me concedes ese honor <3

11 103

💜 Todo un placer aportar mi granito de arena ilustrando uno de los carteles a los premios honoríficos que concede el colectivo dentro de las actividades del Cómic Barcelona de este año.

13 39


Si una flor pudiera concederte un deseo ¿Que pedirías?
Yo pediría... Que todos pudieran cumplir sus sueños.
✨"Los sueños se pueden volver realidad"✨
(PD:¡¡Los hamo muchooo!!🫂)

81 523

Maldita Yolanda Saldivar…
De verdad no se vale lo que hiciste….
Estoy leyendo que en 2025 después de 30 años de cadena perpetua van a hacer una valoración para concederle libertad condicional…

Nos quitó mucho y una vida de cárcel es poco…

1 4

Scourge the Hedgehog

Scourge is the arch rival of Sonic in the Archie comics. He’s extremely arrogant and conceded

We’re looking for a more radical but deeper voice to mirror that of Sonic. Not as deep as Shadow, but still something that isn’t TOO high pitched but also loud

9 17

"You're right. Perhaps that isn't the best comparison," the Shadow Sovereign concedes. “Regardless, it isn't whether or not you trust a villain like Kairos but more so about your trust in me." The sovereign extended his appendage, endeavoring to meet the All-Father


1 4

call me cringe if you must but you gotta understand my brain generates pokemon teams for all fictional characters whether i ask it to or not and if i don't concede to its demands it will bigly and truly explode

2 28

“Even his critics conceded that Shiozaki had earned the right to use the phrase “I AM NOAH!”.”

Check out our piece tracking how Go Shiozaki has become a legend of over on our website.


2 13