The different stages of this one~ "Bolted" from 2021.
Gotta be real, the rough on this one is pretty stellar, haha~ I still love this one a lot.

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Honestly, one of my favorites~ Initial sketch, flats and finished! "Manipulated" from 2021~

Gotta be real, he had a good chunk of time when he exuded some real W/aluigi energy, but we got past it, and we're all the better for it.

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6. "What is your favourite animal?"

- "I haven't been able to see one in a while, but sheep are pretty rad!"

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Debated posting this because it's conceptually out there, but I enjoyed drawing it too much and have no self control.

Mild spicy implications after I've been thinking about Erik and his lifestyle and his habits.

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Peep me trying to manifest Erik's hair growing out recently.

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Revisiting these Regency doodles of some of the GRC boys from early 2021~

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Today's random look at old art: Erik and Goro in the Magic University AU.

This AU gives me joy for absolutely no reason.

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Today's throwback to older art this year.
Focus: Younger Goro and Erik.

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Feeds myself with some subtle Gorik/Supercell~

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Commission completed for of their character, Lazic~

She was an absolute pleasure to draw~ <3 Thank you so much for your patience and for commissioning me!

To links to any more of my work, feel free to check out my carrd:

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Process Video on this one~

I started this one on Photoshop at the beginning, hence the sketch and colours. I also tend to colour correct and colour grade on Photoshop too.

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Callback to this comic I made a couple months ago. A Supercell/Gorik one set in Magic College AU.
For my sanity. I wanna make another again eventually.

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When Lightning Calls

A little doodle I started over half a year ago finally polished. Baby Erik experiencing a storm after being told to take cover.

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cw// a little bit of nudity
The first Magma Studio collab between and I of my boys, Goro and Erik in a really ridiculous renaissance style piece.

Look at them l o l ~

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Progress video for this one~

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Doing a little drawtober thing using 's prompts and finally getting around to it.

[01: Horns]
Erik, but make him tiefling. I realize how peachy his tone is as a firbolg-- still handsome as ever though.

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Tried to reference back to old P3 art for 's bday gift. Added those little-- G/enshin touches, so you can really date this piece lolol~

Original concept+sketch by ;w; our first art collab.

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[Suggestive Vanilla Spice Crop]
'Cause for real, there isn't any explicit nudity for the full piece. It's just indulgent.
I feel bad that I treat Goro like this.

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Had to make an adjustment so repost, but yom yom, fed myself some Gorik indulgence.

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