Happy once again! This week I present Jen's beach outfit! The original design was a lot simpler than this, but always knows how to make the clothes look just right on the character. It may not be a swimsuit, but not everyone goes to the beach to swim.

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For this is Zelda from Smash Bros. In a Farore’s Wind.

Now that school is out, I want to post more stuff just to motivate myself to draw more. Gonna try to keep up with at least a weekly drawing.

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Was hoping to get her done by but here's a WIP. Knowing my pace, she'll probably be done just in time for next week's. 😂

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Since its and I desperately need caffeine, why not share my Starbucks/ Rainbow Brite mashups?


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It's so here's my new for the occasion!
Also it's my first one with a proper background and stuff!

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Okay, umm... how about girls... but, kissing! I guess Audrey said "yes". I know I need a TON more practice. But, thought they'd make a nice and a bit of a last minute pic

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it's been a while, but i'm back and better than ever with my new knight daughter emeline!

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For my OC, Leona. Made her hair fluffier!

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An elven ditzy post-transformation of Nicola for plus her prior look! Results of a lewd game I played in, involving a b!mbfication item my girlfriend used 😊

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For I drew this random girl...

(I only realized after the fact that she looks a bit like Athena from Phoenix Wright)

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Here we go~ wrapping this up uwu
Cybelle was giving some maad lesbian vampire vibes in the last carole and tuesday and just.... oh boy 👀💦

just... ignore the really creepy stalker vibes she *also* gives out.......

this fits right?

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for I drew this human(?) Wooloo!  🐑

(probably could've done without the hat...)

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Re-posting this for 's spidersona that I need to draw more of??? Cause I love neon glowy rainbow aesthetic???

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A late but I drew one of my characters, Kiku, as a Dancer!

Can't wait for Shadowbringers!!

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Happy everybody! Coincidentally, it's also so here's my purple-suited bodyguard, Ryoba. One day I'll show how unapologetically lesbian she is--I just gotta get off my butt and actually make comics for all these OCs.

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What? have I actually remembered it for once?!

'Peach beach', hehe XD

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I wanted to post something for so here's an WIP character written by and designed by me!
Her name is Strawberry Serenade, and she is one of the lead singers of a rock band.

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my first time doing just one of a few variants of this Irae piece. I hope OCs count

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Slowly getting back to drawing with some Demon-Maid Char Star! I'm not sure if angry girls with eyes on their legs count for but SHE'S CUTE TO ME ........

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