What’s a coffee drinker’s favorite sports team?

1 13

Have you heard the new Jackhammer Band?

0 15

Have you heard the new Duvet album?

2 22

Did you hear about the mouse who graduated?

0 15

What kind of photos do turtles take?

2 26

I wouldn’t want to be a mechanic that specializes in rotating, mounting, and balancing.

1 8

Did you hear about the atom who lost an electron?

4 17

What do you call a boat that is 50% off?

1 27

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?

3 27

What’s the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant?

3 14

If you get tired of seeing terrible bird jokes…

1 18

Dad! Why are you just standing out there?

1 18

What did one trailer say to the other?

1 10