Show me your first and latest firbolg, have your aesthetics changed?

I noticed that their features became more Fey and alien. 4 fingers, toebeans, low extended collarbones and fewer ribs.

Daedric vs Ölric

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The Cauldron!

Love, love this dungeon. It feels classic, the boss mechanics are fun, and (even as someone who isn’t a lava and Daedric aesthetics fan) I enjoyed the scenery!

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Youtube closed captions various spellings of the daedric prince Peryite's name, enjoy

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Its been a while since I've posted on here. I've been busy with commissions. But here have some Daedric prince's from TES series :) Sheogorath and Hircine.

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Picrew the squad featuring me, proto-husband , Daedric Prince sister and resident Actual Adult .

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Boethiah, Daedric Prince of treachery and deceit, and a big fan of blood-sport. Blue skin is hard to paint, for some inexplicable reason.

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Daedric Prince three, Sanguine, lord of sin and debauchery! One of my personal favorites of the Daedra. I mostly went by his Skyrim design, but used the outfit from Daggerfall, because I can.

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"Ugh, how can you worship Mehrunes Dagon, he's so backwards and evil"

Other daedric princes:

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I’ve changed mine up so much over the past couple years and so glad I did. I’ll just show their differences. I completely overhauled Daedric in general as he ended up looking almost identical to Dabi back in 2017 or so, lol. I’m glad I did, much happier with him now.

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Next Daedric Prince, The Huntsman, Hircine! Drawing animals is so foreign to me, but I like how he came out.

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Would your daedric prince gets to eat the apple if you offer them one? *The character is my friend ’s nerevarine*

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I’m finally doing a Daedric Prince series! Beginning with Azura, based off of her Skyrim statue, as well as her appearances in Morrowind and Daggerfall.

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New Daedric Helmet, Which one do you like best and what do you think it should be called?

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The Daedric Face of Pog

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Happy Valentines Day Battle Brothers and Sisters.

May you all go forth with Diabella's blessing upon you!

Be sure to make an offering of 🫀 daedric heart to your local cult...

...that escalated rather quickly 😳

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The Daedric prince Vaermina who I made for the MMM mod. (The robe was made by someone else I just recolored it but the head is my own make and design)

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It is ridiculously hard to try and draw Jyggalag based on screenshots from a fairly older game...

Got through all the Daedric Princes! Now to do a couple bonuses for the Princesses that got released since I did the original drawings!

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If you've been paying attention, you know there's one more Daedric Prince yet. And you can probably guess who's dress he'll be wearing, as it was an obvious choice. (If you paid even more attention, I haven't forgotten Frozen or Moana)

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--Mehrunes Dagon, in Oblivion. Surprisingly, he is the only Daedric Prince without any dialogue in TESIV.

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I also make 3D models!

This is an (unfinished) re-imagined version of the Daedric Helmet from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
By far one of my favourite games, albeit mostly thanks to nostalgia. It hasn't aged too gracefully, I must admit :P

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