Thanks for the memories, you funky French robots.

1 4

Thank you for being a part of my life ✨💛

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Hice esto con mis lagrimas
No se me va a cumplir lo de ir a un concierto de Daft Punk

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Daft Punk Was the First Music Group that I Got Invested in, and Became a Huge Fan of. It's sad Knowing That we Probably won't ever Get Any more Music, But I'm Glad that I was around to see them make that Amazing Music. (2014 Art VS. Art done Today)

5 10

I'll miss you. Thanks for everything, may you always be happy and always know how loved you are ♡

12 35

i'll just keep playing back,
these fragments of time
thank you, daft punk !

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🎙️😞Es un hecho lamentable
🎊📺Pero hicieron bastante y pude disfrutarlos a pesar de mi juventud.🎚️💽

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Daft Punk graced many years of my life, especially in my youth. They also blessed us with this Leiji Matsumoto masterpiece, Interstella 5555. I still get feels listening to “Something About Us”. The good news is—we all still get to enjoy their music forever!

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Just a little dedication since has had an influence, and even my Sona was influenced by their designs. It's been great listening to their songs.

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One more time, we’re gonna celebrate ❤

Epilogue hit me hard this morning. I’ll never ever forget them and what their music did for me.

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A small homage to our favourite robot duo. Thanks for the music. End of line.

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