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Thank you everyone that tuned in today, we manage to survive the beast Darth Vader in Fallen order, and I toyed around with some brushes and did this piece, not bad for a couple of hours
I'll try to think on what to do for tomorrow
Thanks again

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{Darth Vader}, Big Buddha , Shakyamuni statuesutras are the Lotus Sutra

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Darth Vader: Black, White & Red variant by Felipe Massafara for Big Time Collectibles.

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Would Cyborg,Spongebob,Hinata Hyuga & Darth Maul work well as a band?

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Games that should have Darth Maul as an unlockable skin/playable character:

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This is me totally not sharing my marilith tiefling Nayiss and her terrible relationship with her dragonborn partner Jarkul, owned by @/DarthDecisive. Why would I do that? Terrible.

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Caldarthi x Ravina - Land of the Lost (DND)

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Saber X Saber
I've been fixated on this match-up for a while.

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Darth Vader and Moe would be a terrible singing duo!

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sketchy sketch possible giveaway for next weeks show 😊

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They’re official, but Darth Nihilus is technically not canon for now. Darth Revan is canon. (TROS reference book says a Final Order legion was named after him.) Still interesting reads though. I liked them enough to draw them.

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Darth Vader visiting Padmé’s grave

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Who would win in a game of musical chairs? Darth Vader,Corrin,Smithers or Itachi Uchiha?

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