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Após ser diagnosticado com coronavirus Gintoki tosse na cara de Hijikata e diz que o verá no inferno
Malformação Arteriovenosa (MAV) cerebral: poucos conhecem essa doença cerebral: A MAV pode ser diagnosticada através de uma Ressonância Magnética e geralmente são diagnosticados através dos exames numa investigação de sintomas outras, essas são as MAVs… https://t.co/fbDZWTIZRs
These five images were not created by me.
They were selected from more than 7000 X-rays, which once their diagnostic objective was fulfilled, were condemned to oblivion and after a while, to be destroyed. (continue ↓↓↓)
Los bebés necesitan radiografías toráxicas con costo de $1000 c/u (lo más barato q nos dieron en todos los lugares) para diagnosticar sus problemas respiratorios pq los antibióticos no funcionaron:(
Si viven en Yucatán, vendo ropa o voy a limpiar casas.
😢 O artista George Pérez, revelou através de sua página no Facebook ter sido diagnosticado com um câncer de pâncreas inoperável, e que sua expectativa de vida é de 6 meses a um ano.
@shojospain 'Hikari to tomo ni...' de la malograda Keiko Tobe. Una historia que sigue la vida de Hikaru, un niño diagnosticado con TEA (trastorno del espectro autista). Tiene dorama, premios y fue publicada en inglés, just saying...
9 year old girl with a lesion on her lower central back. you diagnostic impressions? #dermpath #pediapath #PathTwitter #coolPathcases
@alegru18 @BattistellaMD @VHNguyenMD @PIorfino @TristanRutland7 @david_terrano @ChristineJKoMD @redsnapperpath @RyanneMDMBA @SGottesmanMD
While stylized, this cat art shows diagnostic traits of Smilodon: its giant size, short tail and iconic large canines. A plausible objection might suggest equivalence to a whiskered bobcat (L. rufus); yet no known rockart details whiskers, for eg. the lions from Chauvet, France.
Buenas tardes señor, ya llegaron los resultados de su diagnostico del Seguro de la IMSS, al parecer tiene Cáncer de Pito
Day 12: Program - Remember to regularly check your android's system diagnostics if you don't want him potentially catching a virus
Dynamix Corp
System diagnostics report: 57 spyware attacks, 12 hacker alerts, and 5 adbot installations. Performing self cleanse now. Get out ya little varmints!
Artist: @the_aftrmrkt
Coming soon to OpenSea
#opensea #openseanft #NFTCommunity #NFTs #NFTartist @NFTshills