I was just sent this

Listen, it's cool but please, do not use my art for AI. I find AI artists simply wannabes and they've been a disgrace to actual people that spend time on their art. Just a little disclaimer guys.

We shall stop AI

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BRGuh im so late for strider day im a disgrace to strider fans everywehre fuckf cufk cufck fufkc fuckf ufkkcyfkc you have to behead me you have to put me in the guillotine RIGHT NOW

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theres no harmony! its a disgrace!

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"You crushed my winning streak.. I'll make you pay!"

"You are a DISGRACE to the Twinkle Series."

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The homie chad put all his skills into this.

Tetra: " Let go" you stupid blue bastard so I can crush you. You should die with dignity like a rapid dog you are. Let me have my retribution damn you.

Xero: Dying to you will leave me in disgrace so allow me to decline.

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Info Dump. Chandra is a disgraced son of a Lord, that worked with Lemons when he was 15. He was of course adopted by Narcis after he slit the pimp's throat (he doesn't know that). He's very close with Narcis and sees him as his adopted dad. He's afraid of being left alone again

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all of our true team Negan friends went MIA and who am I to blame them after the disgrace called s10b and s11. Good times we had, luv ❤️

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I am a disgrace of an artists, i cant draw my own characters without references.
Anyways, here are my little socially awkward dragon and the bunny girl who needs to learn how to shut up

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This is , disgraced former health minister and expert in eating rancid animal parts.

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I published this 3 years ago.Bettter than the NY Post artwork that ran. What say you?

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