Rpg Rudra...can't find beards so i had to cover my entire mouth instead lol. Picrew sometimes helps with artblock and it's fun

0 2

Karma cosplaying Syndra...yes

8 145

🖌__Beata Belanszky

Jeune peintre contemporaine hongroise

‘Commencer une peinture signifie que je ne sais jamais ce qu’elle deviendra...Je laisse juste ça arriver...’

2 24

i-i.. i d-dra...w i s-swear... going to start working on commissions and shit again now that the holidays are over.

tbh i have never painted darker skintones and struggle with color in general. i'm really happy with how well this came out.

0 5

Sometime after the Young Adult years, though, she seems to have found something reminiscent of her teen's default get-up...which is why I avoided posting in in the OP to avoid confusion. It IS slightly different, I swear! (at least she's not as bad as Cassandra...)

0 0

Beach time on this League day! Pool Party Syndra is a beautiful skin, and since Syndra is one of my favorite champs, I love it. Unfortunately, many people didn't like this skin for Syndra... damn it, guys, why? 😑

12 65

"Oh, Alexandra... Why did you leave me?"
Alexandra - Allie x

13 42

i mean normally i would just have you do the usual Kae and Raesandra....

but i adopted some new beans that i think you would like to try out: naya and amaya ♥

0 6

Au tour de Venti 🍃 J'ai tenté une nouvelle colo en faisant toutes les ombres et lumières en niveaux de gris et...j'aime pas du tout :v Au moins j'ai testé et je sais que ça ne me plait pas ahah Un jour je trouverais une façon de colo qui me conviendra...😭

9 25

Me when I found out that not all starters return in Crown Tundra... :(

10 100

- Tell me, Cassandra... Why'd your Maker choose me? I'm a mage. I'm not even a human. At the Conclave, there were a lot of kinda better Heralds.
Cassandra deeply sighed.
- There is a plan.
- I don't know too.

5 18

Idk why peps like her xз Maybe Sandra, Cassandra...hm
I’m still thinking about my OC’s name ;D

Or maybe she’ll have a great number of names and no one knows the truth...just mystery?

2 12

Ampharos offered "a Pocky" to Goodra... I think the gooey lad misunderstood what he meant though!

26 76

Thinks about this old art of rudra.... I should prolly redo this sometime...

He looks like an earth bender and tbh that’s okay

1 9

- Eu desisto, acordar a Lux é impossível, dorme que nem pedra... só não taco um balde de água por que ela é a Imperatriz...

3 14

Día 30. Aspectos
Day 30 Aspects

“+ Hidra... tu nombre... ¿Por qué es?
- Tengo mis secretos...
(¿Y si...?)”

“+ Hydra ... your name ... Why is it?
- I have my secrets ...
(What if...?)"

2 8

Bianca isn't really found of the cold weather of the Crown Tundra...

17 83

J-19 NOOB :
Fiché "Noob"🏷️, courage ça viendra... 😰

2 45

🤣 🤣 Mamon es 🤣 pobre sandra... Y yo también me morí y ni se acordaba 😢

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