went to my first art party tonight! it was fun, looking forward to next time ^^

10 62

I'm a bit slow, but here's one of my sketches from tonight featuring ! I have 2 more I'd like to polish up a bit!

25 117

managed to get one more doodle in before everyone left!! i do have a couple more i'm gonna finish tho.
til then, ty for having me!<3

8 25

Last one for now, Stjarnornas Frid! Your viera is so pretty aaaaa-

5 17

Thank you so much for coming to the EB and
It was so much fun I'm so glad we got to see everybody!!!

3 48

and a few more for the !! i wasn't able to stay as long this time; but i'll try and post a few more tomorrow as well! thank you to everyone who dropped by to say hi !! 💫

13 36

i arrived late so only got to do 1 person, but it was fun !! never been to an art party before--

8 38

(he who overestimated his energy) last guys for now.... until i recharge a little...... hehe

12 40

i told myself i'd just do doodles, but this design caught my eye so much i ended up colouring them :') i'll see if i have time to doodle others!

5 19

I wasn't at long but here's some sketches i did!

6 21

hiii lol... some guys from the so far :DD my first crystal partay... lol

9 34

quick doodles, i gotta go make dinner! didnt /tell you guys but you guys were lovely!
sorry now tHESE i definitely rushed lol sorry sorry!!!

10 33