I wasn’t completely satisfied with the first one, so I did another attempt.

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That was a hard piece of work.

Looks a bit like a Mega Man boss from the front.

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I am helping someone drawing a Pokémn team and Escavalier is one of my favs, so I had to start with it.

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*sigh* I am not really satisfied with this one. Arting has been hard lately...

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I always was rather fond of this Pokémon, but I also learned that I dislike having to draw four legged creatures.

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Butterfree is one of my favourite Kanto Pokémon, so I had to to a redraw from the mess I drew back in 2019. This is much better. Fun fact: Make most of the layers invisible and you have mothman.

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This little ball of fluff is a big fav of mine.

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I was really bothered how badly I did Raichu, one of my favs and simply had to do a redraw with everything I learned the past two years. I am much much more satisfied with that version.

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I suddenly got into plant waifu mood... also, the last drawing of the year!

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This little cutie was the first baby stage for a legendary ever. It was fun to colour.

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I never really got this Pokémon. It looks... too human for me, though I like the karate theme.

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Deerling exists in four forms, but because we have winter, you get the winter form.

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