Some amazing works from MU x DS activity~🤩 It’s never too late to participate! 😘👍There will be man awards for the winner~ The original work is made by 8rae17.

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These works are made by Dazai River. His works are quite different! They are all amazing!🤩 You can study more his works in Drawshow!🖍

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It’s a tutorial of a cute girl~ 😍You can color it in any color you want! Share your coloring in Drawshow! 😘This tutorial is made by momoko.🐰

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There are some amazing works of hyun. 😍His drawing style is very unique and I like it! See more his works on Drawshow~🥰

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Do you want to draw an anime boy and color it by yourself? View the full tutorial in Drawshow~ 😘🖍This tutorial is made by 8rae17.🥰

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This is a tutorial of a cute bunny girl~🐰👍 View the full tutorial in Drawshow! This tutorial is made by 06.

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A tutorial of a cute Len~ It’s a little bit complicated and you can view the full tutorial in Drawshow.

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There are some works from 万兔桑寺~ Her work is really cute! 😘You can view more her works on Drawshow~

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This is a tutorial that can teach you how to draw the body part of a chibi. It’s easy and really helpful! This tutorial is made by Aisha.🤩🖍

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That’s a coloring challenge made by 不知幽. The first picture is the original one. Different color can represent different drawing style by each author. 🖍😘You can join the challenge in Drawshow!🥰

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Do you know how to draw the hand, which is always the most difficult part when you are drawing anime? Here is a tutorial of hand~ This tutorial is made by 嘉诚.

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This is a tutorial of Ray in Angels of Death. You can use the full tutorial in Drawshow~😍🖍 This tutorial is made by chara晴.

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Let’s draw a wifi by steps in Drawshow~ It’s easy to do it! This tutorial is made by 若笙.

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不知幽, who is a tutor with high popularity in Drawshow. In the Interview, he talked about the reason that he had the unique drawing style is because he wants to be special.🤩🖍 Let’s see some amazing works by buzhiyou.🥰

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A tutorial of Todoroki in My Hero Academia~ 🥰The full tutorial is in Drawshow. 🖍🤩This tutorial is made by Mikasa.

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This is a cute Raphtalia tutorial~ 🥰Try it on Drawshow and it’s simple! 🖍This tutorial is made by AnonymousPsychoJOJO.

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麗日 お茶子 (ochako uraraka)’s drawing style is very unique and she has a lot of amazing works! 🤩👍There is a collection of her works.🥰

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This is a cute bunny girl tutorial from Drawshow... 🖍 Do you like bunny?🐰 Would you like to draw it on Drawshow??😘🤩 This tutorial is made by 8rae17.

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