■2021年9月19日(日)『アイドルプラネット Vol.2 NIGHT』

■出演/不透明パレット、忍者クライシス、トイトニック、ポラライト、uncyclo、ZeroProject Z5-C1~C5、4U2cr8、CHEQUEMATE  他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/LzobziuhXg

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■2021年9月19日(日)『アイドルプラネット Vol.2 NIGHT』

■出演/不透明パレット、忍者クライシス、トイトニック、ポラライト、uncyclo、ZeroProject Z5-C1~C5、4U2cr8、CHEQUEMATE  他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/GL7nxWCNBk

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ZEROProject所属 3期生の紅狼サツキさん()の配信画面担当させていただきました!


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■2021年9月19日(日)『アイドルプラネット Vol.2 DAY&NIGHT』

■出演/東京23区ガールズ、黒田なつ、船橋ひまわり娘、CrescentArk、モウメリ、もうめり、不透明パレット、忍者クライシス、トイトニック、ポラライト、uncyclo、ZeroProject Z5-C1~C5 他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/EoQkL4OPmU

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■2021年9月19日(日)『アイドルプラネット Vol.2 DAY&NIGHT』

■出演/東京23区ガールズ、黒田なつ、船橋ひまわり娘、CrescentArk、モウメリ、もうめり、不透明パレット、忍者クライシス、トイトニック、ポラライト、uncyclo、ZeroProject Z5-C1~C5 他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/h9FExzXRDe

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AeroPress Championship artwork & event details from Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, and Switzerland

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The AeroPress Championship season is in full gear! Here’s artwork & event details from South Africa, USA, UAE, and Northern Ireland

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よろしくお願いいたします!! https://t.co/vhof0A8iYA

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ZeroProject 一期生デビューライブ当日!🔥

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EXPANSION 3 of SPAN THE SERGIVERSES, a connective-thread timeline series stuffed full of new insight into & https://t.co/k2KIaJw48B

The Reps the team from VERSUS, for lovers: https://t.co/lQoCCWDWQq

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Meet Blakeman, a hero with a big heart who brings people together. He knows that it takes a village of compassionate people to build a community for all kids, no matter what their abilities and differences are. Inspired by B. (age 20), designed by Marietta.

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A season of AeroPress Champs posters is here, this one is from Poland by Cophi & 🙌 What do you think?

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Having a bad day and need a little bit of joy? Extraordinary Emily is determined, brave and beautiful, and she’s making this world a better place to be one smile at a time! Created by E. (age 5) and designed by Alisa Kazarnovsky.

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Proud, loving, imaginative, hardworking, fearless – these are just some of The Tranquil Guardian’s best qualities! This happy young superhero is on an important mission – he helps people to feel calm and safe. Created by M. (age 11), designed by Ozell McGraw.

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If you're looking for a superhero who knows how to cuddle, whose smile lights up a room, and who is very chill - look no further! Punchkie Powers is here! Inspired by L. (age 5) and designed by Muffy Levy.

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Super Indeg is quite a character! This bold and beautiful young superhero is on a mission to make people laugh, especially by doing crazy tricks with sidekick pup Nel. Created by I. (age 6), designed by Nicholas Cunningham.

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Gold Lightning is a powerful new superhero who is here to help! He's fighting for freedom and finding a cure for cancer at the same time. Created by N. (age 12) and designed by Robert Walland.

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He's bold. He's brave. He's always honest. He's JOSH10 and he's here to help the police keep people safe as they fight against racism and sexism. Created by J. (age 16) and designed by Mike Thomas.

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