A Big floof doggo who rescues peeps in the snow! I love big floofs!
Day 20: St Bernard

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Je vous présente Romuald le lévrier. Son film indé sur les fabricants de cornemuse est encore une fois nominé aux César et il n'est absolument pas impressionné.

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Day 19 - Labrador - Feat. My lovable but dumb dog

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This is the big floof that is the They’re so floof! Big floof! I love them so much!
Day 18: Alaskan Malamute

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This floof is the They’re floof and I love them!
Day 17: Icelandic Sheepdog

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Tried something a little different for Day 15 of never really tried flat colour before but this lil dude is still pretty sweet imo!

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This wonderfully loyal doggo is the They’re so lovely you guys! I’m super emotional today and omg doggos you guys! We do not deserve them! They are so good!
Day 15: Akita

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The elegant These long doggos are super chill! They’re athletic but aren’t annoying about it. They’re actually supa fast yo.
Day 12: Greyhound

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