Redrawing Claude ehek

Kanan referensinya yang dibuat Spoon-nim

41 126

Ayo submit foto ketecc animek terbaik di galeri kalian~!
Cosplayer or ciwik cantik2 juga boleh kok, pokoknya yang wangy EHEK.

Pinjem ketecc @/eikoyukashi hehehehe makasih mppppshhh aaaahhh.

2 42

A headcanon for Blizzard. He now have two ice hand, ehek- 😳

Now he can waterbending and insanely turn it into ice mid air and made ice tower-

5 27

Lam kenal cemuana, namaqu Fuchi! Fure Chibi ehek~!
Fuchi mau ngabarin kalau Fuchi punya toko ijooooo loh!
Boyeee dibeyiii kakaaaaa mercendais nya ehek~!

9 103

Bokobokobo mao bobo sama kobo ehek ☔🌊

*less BG in the reply

10 63

PKL ku bikin project vtuber! nonton guys! aku bikin modelnya ehek

1 3

POV you're getting interview by all these gentlemen to join their "club".
Which one would you join? Choose wisely. ehek

16 87

Star Guardian Seraphine maybe, excited for SG skinlines ehek

0 16

While watching Kaela, I realized I'm passed my sleep schedule. Oyasumi EHEK!

0 1

Work duration -+4 hours. Gegara tadi pagi liat strawberry shortcake lewat di tl jadi gatel bngt pngen cobain outfitnya di oc gw, not bad lah yaa ehek

0 9

Ga terlalu bisa NgeWarnain but Yeah
Trying my Best ehek

4 22

Karena Iofi ngeretweet, sekalian post ini juga ehek~ 🎨✨

2020 <------ ------> 2022

31 387

Drop Judul Lagu Jpop/Kpop/Pop Kesukaan Kalian(Playlist Spotify Juga Boleh Kalau Ada ehek).Aku Lagi Bingung Mau Dengerin Lagu Apa Hue Hue Hue

1 8