I edited the photo myself, thinking about what if the Bletch Hit The Soul 8 came out. A large number of characters and some character LR buttons are available for various selections. For TYBW, it's a hidden character DLC concept. ^^ Photo By KERORO

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Not even a campaign in which showcased Israel’s world-beating COVID-19 vaccination rollout could break through two years of political deadlock underscored by four elections.

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mod wanted me to remind anyone of legal voting age in Western Australia that today is the last day for voting in the state elections...

and that antivaxxers should have no place in positions of power.

have a nice day, and be sure to get vaccinated when possible~

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Horace Walpole–died 1797–"served his country, not by drudgery in the Exchequer & Customs, which paid him, but by transmitting to posterity an incomparable vision of England as it was in his day… the machinations of politicians & the turmoil of elections." Plus ça change.

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Vacay choices! I stood before the Hubble Vendo searching for a new spot in the Universe-As-We-Know-It, chafing at the limited selections. What kind of travel org. is this, I raged, not allowing freefall outside, off the edge. That's what I really wanted. Out!

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Uncle Sam begging for votes while an elephant skull and a donkey skull, with a little Trump and a little biden within, are debating eachother. For during the American elections.

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Erabi→ is a Dalmatian who encourages citizens of Tokyo’s Adachi Ward to vote in elections.

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Throwback to a side project that I had during my senior year of Art School, The Boondoggle Family Tree. It was a small installation series of 30 something portraits installed in the school elevator, telling the story of the Boondoggle family. Here are a couple selections.

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Dear Texas, you already sent us the “Canadian Taxpayers Federation” through the “Atlas Network” your undertaxed billionaires fund to influence foreign elections.

You already bought Postmedia and continue to use it to push the same ideology. Cut it out.

Enjoy the weather. https://t.co/rhwhaiRbXl

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Wales! is selling you down the river by supporting 's so-called deal. Independence is the right way forward. Support and vote for in May's elections.
Nadolg Llawen i chi i gyd.

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So mulisema msambweni ilikua BUY-Elections...

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📺 [A WEEK IN THE WORLD] is tonight at 7:10 pm on to present cartoons on vaccines, the recognition of Israel by Morocco and the West African elections. ✏️ Cartoons by (The Netherlands) & (Jordan)

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TODAY, DEC 7th is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER in the GEORGIA Runoff elections. Flex your voice, flex your POWER. Remind politicians that they work for YOU.

If you’re not a registered GA voter, get to vote with now: https://t.co/nqMhdHaHb7

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Sexy sparkle Krampus is here to remind you that DECEMBER 7TH is the deadline for Georgians registering to vote in the upcoming runoff elections. Won't you help us get the word out?

Helpful instructions for registering are here:

Art by Eric Thurnbeck⛄

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Found an old Fundy in my sketchbook... From.. before the elections... 🥺 :')

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Thank you all so much for your wonderful birthday wishes! Because of YOU we have raised over $1000 for the GA run-off elections. Keeping the good vibes rolling -- for every additional $200 we raise, we will eat a peach pie. How many pies will eat?? https://t.co/rDNj3d1s3i

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Big congrats to all the trans winners in the recent US elections. You don't have to be the first to be historic. Each of you is chipping away at history, revealing humanity's true image beneath.

Website: https://t.co/rrYtCyl2a0

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When you get an really cool job offer but at the last min it got canceled and you don't know why.
The recruiter don't know either...but well a cool firm got interrestet in me ....maybe buget got canceld or they wait for the fucking US elections. IT WAS SUCH A COOL PROJECT!

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My dumb ATLA comic got a notes boost on Tumblr. Thanks, elections.

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idc about elections. my giiirl kale dragonball super

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