Drawing Emerald Duo every day for 4 weeks for @/bunfloras

Day 17

238 2458

Philza used ✨hey m8, sorry m8✨

It was very affective.

63 374

DTIYS. It was super fun to do! (and almost lost the process because the computer kept crashing-) Congrats on 2k Chaos!! :D

17 79

// blood , character death

Marble game (2/3)

0 37

Drawing Emerald Duo every day for 4 weeks for @/bunfloras

Day 12

116 810

im not crying u r

213 2694

// mild blood, character death

Drawing Emerald Duo every day for 4 weeks for @/bunfloras

Day 9

247 3200

Drawing Emerald Duo every day for 4 weeks for @/bunfloras

Day 6

143 1054