Two commission drawings I did some time ago -^^-
Zeraora/Braixen Fusion (kazunemitsune) and Torchic (TiggerClifford)

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Day 4: Elemental

"Filled to the brim with electricity. It emits a low humming noise at all times."

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Youd be delighted to know I designed a moth furry a while ago (currently owned by Demitsorou iirc)

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> 何もしてないのに壊れてしまったタコ姉

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I wonder if that is going to be AMIE's physical form.

I mean, technically it's still some high-tech levitating sphere, that just emits a hard light "body" hologram. Somethin' similar to Halo's Cortana.

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Saw a cutie in my TH feed that I could afford (and figured I should get something nice since my mental health is a bit in the slumps). Got her from emitsku on TH, this lovely gorl's name is Camille btw

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a monster high-inspired daughter of the flatwoods monster! her high school niche is "sci-fi gamer who emits an ominous mist wherever she goes"

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> お題箱からお便りをとりだすきりたん!(かわいい)

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A Charizard Tsareena custom for ! It emits pollen from it's tail, and one can tell it's general health from the amount of pollen it emits. However, it causes allergies to flare up nearby.

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🔥明日14:30〜 🔥


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DOWO is the birth of Wÿn, the complete fusion of the human and the demon. He displays a melancholy
look in front of a black ball of fire that emits a whole universe. The newborn seizes its new environment
by creating life.

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As commissioned, Hatsune Mitski

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Light emits from the summon gates once again and a reptilian figure emerges:
Checking his surroundings he looks off into the sky “This place … survives below the clouds, do the beasts not exist here? A place where all can live peacefully, if only…”

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Reina is Shelly's(02282) twin younger sister.
She is a very petite looking girl.
However, she has red eyes that burn with a fighting spirit that is unafraid of battle.
The countless orbs she emits automatically track her enemies, so she never misses a targeted monster.


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A little thread about Prism.
1. He can turn into statue. It's a rare occurrence, so it's become a passive aggressive way to ignore people.

2. He's a selective mute. Mostly happens with new people

3. The cracks/breaks in his skin aren't they only place the extra energy emits+

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Karlsland Army female auxiliary corps uniform (Kanemitsu design)

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pastel / bubble themed oc named Kupla !! she is an octoling with a bubble aura that emits from the sponge in her hair!!

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