This is so sweet. Let's all be a little more like Aggron 😊

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Hi I’m Sam, a queer comic artist and illustrator. Currently looking for opportunities as well as agent rep! I like to do challenging stories, and aspects of environmentalism.

I’m working on my own projects right now, both sci fi, one

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New blog post for I recently made some illustrations based on the book 'Unbowed' by Instrumental in environmentalism, and shouldn't be forgotten.

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Tonight we saw another of the Oscar-nominated documentaies and it's mesmerising. The buzz of the bees, the sticky honey and a small story, that reveals in its truth, our wider struggles with capitalism, leadership and environmentalism.

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It's hard to translate the metaphorical beauty of an all female-identifying crew removing a fence and replacing it with one that allows safe passage of wildlife into words or a picture.

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Last illustrations of the year - a decade in review for ! This one's looking at the last 10 years in environmentalism, & how younger generations have taken up climate activism as govs & corporations refuse to act.

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"Rolling coal is the practice of modifying a diesel engine to increase the amount of fuel entering the engine in order to emit large amounts of black or grey sooty exhaust fumes into the air as a form of anti-environmentalism."

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Fun ironic fact about me: despite my love of environmentalism (as seen with Empress), Grass Type pokemon have never interest me, aside from three: Exeggutor, Torterra (my only grass starter ever) and Serperior.

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Pioneer of environmentalism: happy 250th birthday, Alexander von Born in 1769 in the fearless explorer, geographer & naturalist saw nature as a web of life & anticipated human-induced climate change more than 200 years ago.

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tfw ur crush says hes into environmentalism and you panic (yjh week day 1- dirt)

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‘On Ecofascism,’ by J. Fyie ()

‘As ecosocialism rises and liberal environmentalism fails to produce meaningful change, the Right is also building its own vision of an ecologically sustainable world with borders and white supremacy intact.’

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Afternoon, I'm Andi, a mixed-race, transmasc whose comics center around issues, and for both adults and (plus I got my MFA in Cartooning last May!)

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On This Planet unites great Riso illustration with environmentalism >>

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**Environmentalism and Feminism in conversation** On 20th March, host a forum at on the toxic chemicals in plastics. With an all-female panel from Environmental institutions as well as independent plastic-free campaigners. Don't miss it:

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Hi, I’m Jen Vaughn! I write for comics/games and draw comics/RPG-related fun.

My jam is drawing cute monsters, queer YA, mysteries + sneaking environmentalism into every book. 🍃 🌏


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