They also play a mean game of musical enzymes.

57 159

Allura for my 1k insta art raffle winner @ apparently. an.enzyme!

534 1137

Day 6 of our organelle countdown! Let it snow with the digestive enzymes in this lysosome snowglobe.

29 67

Hypericum perforatum, AKA St Johns Wort - a common over-the-counter remedy. Importantly, it increases activity of the cytochrome P450 enzyme, leading to lower concentrations of a huge number of prescribed drugs!

5 17

Enzyme bobs

213 1832

The list of Functional RNA is unending, but here are the specimen we will be discussing:
- snRNA (small nuclear RNA)
- siRNA (small interfering RNA)
- shRNA (short hairpin RNA)
- miRNA (micro RNA)
- Ribozymes (ribosomal enzymes; catalytic RNA)
- RNA involved in RNA interference

7 9

Miranda (OC) the toxic slime emerges!
lusty but serious, conjures a toxic aura that scares other slimes, grows easily from food and liquid intake, melts down her prey at will, highly viscous, well known for being a threat, her enzymes weren't effective against Helmet ☠️💔

94 798

Enzyme from briny deep resurrected in the lab
Explore in 3D at RCSB PDB:

0 2

Quick Enzyme I did on 's laptop yesterday

20 202

明後日日曜日は14時からスペシャルゲストにEnzyme Recordsで活動するハードコアプロデューサーOphidianを迎えてYATSUZAKI HARDCORE OPHIDIAN JAPAN TOUR IN SAPPORO

9 2


オランダ🇳🇱からOphidian(Enzyme Records)がゲスト!

9 4

10月1日日曜日は14時からスペシャルゲストにEnzyme Recordsで活動するハードコアプロデューサーOphidianを迎えてYATSUZAKI HARDCORE

4 0

The enzyme that makes you cry: Structure of lachrymatory factor synthase. 2013 winner publ

3 5

Having a glass of red tonight? This suite of enzymes from a bug in your gut will digest its complex sugars for you

16 11

Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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Digital avatars at Deerland Enzyme booth 432

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