I'm Nicolette, from Singapore; I draw webcomics and adapt fairytales.

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It soothes my soul to paint freely with whimsy. One of my biggest inspirations right now are fairytales. I never read them as a child and am only now falling in love with all of the magic and imagination. .
I keep imagining all of these new characters in a storybook filled…

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"Candles burned on its branches, which were hung with coloured ribbons and pretty decorations." Visit our blog to find out why we still love https://t.co/p9jKuuNNYQ

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I always liked the idea of these hanging up in a nursery or someone’s kitchen. They were a nice little break from dinosaurs and fairytales.

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Even he is college student, he still read fairytales. Ikuya has a Otome-Heart 💖lol

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I wish I had more pretentious taste but I don’t. Wizard school, slow romances and dark fairytales.

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Wooh Nayoung is a modern Korean art illustrator who is famous for hanbok themed modern renditions of classic fairytales. Nayoung also drew Jonghyun in hanbok once and gifted it to ‘ SHINee Jonghyun’ who admired his art. You can see how beautiful his drawing of Jonghyun is.

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The Opie Collection of Children's Literature, housed by the is a wonderful historical resource of childhood folklore, charting nursery rhymes, childhood games, songs and fairytales. More information at: https://t.co/oHCQ25ezcw

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Those of us who can remember our childhoods will recall how ardently we relished the moment of the when our mother or father would sit down beside us in the semi-dark and read from a of

Polona Lovsin https://t.co/xSHacEiI7e

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preview for lovers & lovers of to be released in 2018. An written by

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“with bruised hands & a stitched heart,she rose. so fuck the fairytales. she was the knight in this story.”corona.

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Lunchtime reading: Shula & the Sun plays with traditional fairytales. Illustration

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Bluebeard's Wives. We celebrate by looking at the darker side of fairytales.

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I love fairytales.. so.. cat-prince-archer-todoroki is actually very appealing??

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I always liked Jiri Trnka's illustrations for Grimm's Fairytales.

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Oplakanska studio produces illustrations inspired by fairytales.
See more at https://t.co/vt2odeB1oZ.

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Some old-ish work of player characters I did for a campaign I was in, that took place in a world of fairytales. And lots of mimics.

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Fucked-up Fairytales. Lol 😂

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My friend and artist surprised us with this beauty tonight.

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