Here's another one from the loft, it's the extremely rare fantail for this week's

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Fantail pigeons look so extra to me

i want one

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5 days left of Generations of Colour. Fantails on an Easel by David McClure

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A spread from "Kiwi Hokey Tokey" featuring NZ fantails showing off their lovely feathery tails!

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State Fair art time -African geese and Indian Fantail pigeon and ink. Love having such unique models!

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ミュータント専門の保険会社『Blue Net Life Level』のCEOにして時間操作の能力をもつサイオン《Fantail》。


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Here's a I made for a school assignment. It's based on a NZ Fantail but looks like a Bluejay. Good job, me.

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Did you know that 2 fantails weigh less than 1 chocolate fish?

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Rufous Fantail, for publication on Saipan birds. Quick & low-detail, yes - final will be very small!

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