my fave is the born-bloodthirsty one who killed a bunch of ppl before they died & later got another chance at life, at 1 point got viewed w/ prejudice which partly led them to question their humanity, has a black-haired person who helped them stay less cray

4 19

Another commissioned work of Ritona done by ! This will be going on an itasha skateboard project I have planned, and hopefully the next full fault itasha (as soon as I stop being broke)

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64 186


3 17

Merry Christmas and happy holiday season from Ritona and Selphine!

118 271


・fault - milestone one -66%
・fault - milestone two 上 -60%
・マクナ=グラムラとフェアリー・ベル -50%
・各作品DLC -50%

54 101

Christmas (?) Art. Rune from by

Was only supposed to derust with a concept but here we are. Styling the hair for this style was harder than I thought. XD

3 10

Yet another sticker design of wizard extraordinaire Ritona! Huge thanks to the lovely for taking on this commission!

7 33

Ooo~ Spo0o0ky sale is here and you know what that means? What? 50% off AiDs ENTIRE catalog?? Now that's a SCARY deal! Help us stop making these stupid puns by buying our games to restore our sanity! Also enjoy the Adia art!

22 40

「fault - milestone one」Japanese novelization episodes 1~2 will be released on Oct 11. After episode 2, there will be 2 episodes updated every week!
Check the link below for latest news.

18 35

Now that it's out on Nintendo Switch too and therefore more people can play it, here's a valid reason to play fault milestone one: Rune 💙

8 40


「fault-milestone one」ノベライズ版の著者を務める、ライター/脚本家・斎藤ゆうすけ様()から、ノベライズ企画への意気込みのコメントをいただきました!

12 19


Nintendo Switch版、PS4版発売予定のfaultシリーズ開発チーム「ALICE IN DISSONANCE」アートディレクター小夏はれ様()から、ノベライズについてのお祝いのコメントをいただきました!

17 31

【Art Stream】この前のfault三人娘イラストの線画をちまちま描いていきます!

14 36