Fem sona if i was actually femenine tho + me ahA https://t.co/UCjBbFBs0m

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Ok ok!
I'll start with this OC of mine, he looks really femenine here tho, but I really liked to angle of the head here! and how the leaves were around the back of the head so...
I tried to replicate that on my own too! In the second image

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Summer fantasy set, femenine version, some close-ups for the details!, don't steal!!

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Changes (2021)

How do I get a cute short-haired gf? Nah, it's a joke... unless?
(This is a repost, anyway)

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📢 Avui, 28 de juny, és el dia de l'orgull LGTBI, i les transfemenines de Sororitrans lluitem amb veu pròpia! Som un espai no mixt que ens hem organitzat per lluitar contra les nostres opressions i us volem explicar quines raons i objectius tenim per lluitar 🔥

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finally my cat don´t looks femenine 🐈‍⬛

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Kinda disappointed that the MC of SMTV is a guy and not a girl. Since the face´s shape, the chin, the eyes, and eye lashes (compared to the other guy) are way more femenine. Would´ve been awesome if the fusion with those two bring a mixed genre being, that would´ve been original.

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What if my girls have normal eyes?

Never mind, it looks cursed.

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Obscura (2021)

Fun story. An online store that sells goth clothes wanted me to buy and model for them to receive revenues. Too bad prices were expensive and only sell female clothes. I'm a dude.

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ppl on insta thought she was a boy and i tried makin a more femenine design but i really like da other one

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Velvet (2021)

It's my birthday again, I'm fucking 22 now and I can't think anything ingenious to say about it.

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Cover 3

Here Ruby changes her man's suit for a more femenine outfit. The briefing descrived her as a “Sexy and fierce underworld queen—quietlypowerful. Gorgeous dress and showing cleavage.”.
Bonus: Selfie I shot as reference with my bedsheets wraped around my hips and arms

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Claud is my first crush ever and that's why all my friends think I'm probably gay or Bi. Normalise having crush on cute femenine guys for straight people lol

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Zelia and Zorana, an Angel Dragon and a Griffin femenines, two astronauts in a interestelar trip. This story was born 4 years ago, between April 4-12, 2017, is the first time i draw a space ship, and i modified the suits for Zelia and Zorana wings.

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Eun-joo is a boy. His looks and mannerims are considered 'rather femenine', to which he remains uncaring. He's a soft-spoken and thoughtful individual, though he is by no means a pushover; people often mistake him for a shy boy, but he's just the quiet type.

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Another fanart this time of Neji Hyuga and... I know HE looks femenine, in my defense almost the 98% of the mens I draw, well... They end looking like girls is almost like an hability or a curse 😂 at least he looks cute tho

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Attraction (2021)

I still prefer pantyhose over fishnets, anyway.

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