8 hours of stream today and a bunch of emotes were made !

The Zeraora pack is for
The blue lynx pack is my updated emotes !
+ 2 FFZ Animal crossing emotes

Now I'm gonna go to bed 💤

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is an amazing artist and did an emote for me because he really liked my character! Gonna put it on ffz because i like to do my channel art myself but this is super amazing and i'm honored!

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Say hello to my new FFZ-mote: weatherVane!

For reminding streamers to TAKE A BREAK

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Okay so I made an another emote of Haruhime (I did'nt know how to draw the ears and still have the space for a good emote I'm sry :( ), should I upload it for free on ffz or I keep it for me ?

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should we replace one of our current emotes or go FFZ with the wonderful linkfaBlank by !

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✘ Neuer Emote!

Mal kurz was Kleines für meinen Channel gemacht!
"kaeinBlank" ist bald bei FFZ und jetzt schon in unserem Discord verfügbar! Viel Spaß damit! 🤘

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apparently i can't play pokemon masters so i made an FFZ emote of the best girl in the game in retaliation


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So far we got birbRly and birbSun made by Em and they both look great!

Get them on FFZ here!

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oh no i love my pom emotes so much i almost want to make them my actual channel emotes instead of ffz...

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What's that? A new FFZ emote because you all just make me SOB WITH LOVE....


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All our emotes for our twitch including Twitch Sub emotes and FFZ emotes, You wont need to be a sub to use the FFZ emotes, hope you all enjoy. Thank you for the amazing work. Make sure to check them out!

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Oh boy we have a new FFZ emote now!! Come check out my delicious bits!


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my emote artist made me dis isn't it cute omg
I uploaded it to ffz and it's getting approved on there now :D

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i added 14 new emotes to ffz, im excited

including remakes <3

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i'm cyringgh theyre pending on twitch and ffz i cant wait

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Next: I'd ask you to raise those Fs, but unfortunately not a lot of people did. micF will be dropping down from T2 to FFZ. Sad, I know. ;;A;;7

However, now for the price of $9.99, you can invade my personal space with micHug, featuring the lovely face of !

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ffz pls hurry so people can do stuff on my channelfor fun

5 21

coming soon to my ffz emotes... big mad

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New emotes are getting approved now, I'll do some sub giveaways once they are live. Also 2 new ones on FFZ, and 2 old ones moved to FFZ. All this wonderful new work is by ! (Also Bunji T. Frog is on BTTV for free)

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