Signals Killer! He's actually a good guy in this au and didnt mean to shoot BB- He's got pretty bad anxiety from the war that started and is always paranoid.

30 90

お題箱より『BB NEO & killer NEO』

62 310

Armaros was fucking amazing in the BB mod oh my god. LOVE the voice for him

24 89

“ the path here was blazed by the worst recollections of mankind.
and what remains at the end is , and ever will be the end. ”

tempestissimo - t+pazolite
0:16 ━━❍─────── 2:18 ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

23 63

“ 何故生まれ落ちたの 映す情景の奥へと
静寂に問う 早まる鼓動で ”

solitary dream - ak+q feat. sennzai
1:24 ━━❍─────── 2:53 ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

14 47