" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


0 0

There was something Alhaitham had forgotten. Something so precious, something that he recalled being more dear to him than anything in the entire world.

My 3k word angst fest, "What you could not recall" is now available on AO3!

25 101

Never to be forgotten...the menace if Moira gets a variant but I have no idea by who...( there seems to be several mistakes with solicited artists this month so apologies )

0 6

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


2 4

The gods are alive as long as they are remembered. She was almost forgotten. For many years she slept, but something woke her up and she went to meet it, changed, weakened, but still divinely beautiful. A goddess, but not as we remember her
Reserve 0.08 ETH

3 6


" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


0 0

Awakened goddess
The gods are alive as long as they are remembered. She was almost forgotten. For many years she slept, but something woke her up...
Reserve 0.08 ETH

2 4

Talk about a splendid cosplay ! Lady Coconut, you have got the magic. You look tender, romantic, passionate and gorgeous and should never get forgotten.Coco is an adorable heroine !

0 1

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


0 0

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH

0 1

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022


0 2

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


4 7

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH

0 0

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH

5 8

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


1 2

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


0 2

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH

2 4

" Gone "

gone but not forgotten...

Oil on canvas | September 2022

1/1 FND

Buy now 0.15 $ETH


0 1

Gone but not forgotten... 🫡

1 9