I didn't know was the middle child until after I finished that 2nd one so the 1st one is the corrected one

3 4

doodles, count Fortemps colored with the AI

6 10

jhsdjhf I forgot I drew this like a year or so ago and I found it in my files so I'll gently place it here too

Heavensward boys in cute ponchos (estinien gets nidhogg, aymeric hraesvelgr, and haurchefant a unicorn for fortemps)

355 454

I finally made a House Fortemps themed glam that i'm remotely pleased with

0 27

young high house lords & lapsits

Haillenarte+Fortemps (⺣◡⺣) + edelweiß flowers.

46 77

de Fortemps フォルタンHe deserves to carry the proper family name.

86 125