The hilt material is solely because I saw this kris with a hilt supposedly made of a fossilized mammoth's molar tooth and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

0 6

Day 19 - Mountain
The end of their journey is in sight, all they must do is reach the castle at its peak. It is said the mountain is an ancient dragon, long dead and fossilized into the mountain before them.

4 26

Thinking about how Pyukumuku is not only likely a reference to the Sea Bunny cucumber, but possibly also a reference to one of the famous fossilized soft organisms from the legendary Burgess Shale discovery, Wiwaxia Corrugata!

0 6

Here, ya, GO!

Art : @ StabRatAD and @ FossilizedRae

0 3

140 - Skulbuto
Shellfish Pokemon
“A ghost possessed an old fossilized shell, and it became Skulbuto. It originally lived at the bottom of the oceans in ancient times, with eyeholes in its shell allowing it to peek while hiding.”

4 13

Rp: vives solo?
Rs: …
Rp: tienes padres? Hermanos?
Rs: *pone una mano en el hombro de Raptor*

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

133 1828

R: ^^
T: mi niño uu
V: no que no era un niño?
T: MI niño >:^
M: jajajaj déjalos ^^’’

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

165 1704

V: responde~ *ambas respiraciones se empiezan a mezclar*
M: u-ugh… q-quererte…

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

126 1351

R: h-hm… está bien…
V: oh enserio? *0* ven, tranquilo
R: *se pone de pie*
M: no tengas miedo, vamos a casa ^^

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

117 1396

Climbed up to these petroglyphs to watch the sunrise at 5am. It’s now lunchtime and I’m pooped! Found some fossilized shells, teeny shark teeth and some agates elsewhere too.

0 10

Rp: ooooooh ö
Rp: entonces Rius ama a Timba! :D
/Timba que pasaba por ahí/
T: que yo que?
Rs: *se acerca y le tapa la boca a Raptor* NADA NADA-

❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

143 1585

AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

218 1847

The burrow revealed two unrelated vertebrate animals nestled together and fossilized after being trapped by a flash flood event. The Thrinaxodon, and the Broomistega.

0 3

AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

294 2034

I think I've been *particularly* greedy.


85 412

💙Sparta se queda en el AU de Fossilized Lizard!💙
Así se celebra en el obelisco >:DD WUUUU!!!
Gracias a todos Q3Q♥

187 1641

''Postura de Reptil''
AU: ❤️Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

246 2009

T: h-huh? Raptor?
R: *abraza la pierna que cuelga de la cama y enrolla su cola en la otra en muestra de afecto alzando la cabeza dejando ver un par de lágrimas acompañadas de una sonrisa triste* Trolli♥...

❤️ Fossilized Lizard - Raptor ❤️

168 1700

Spanish Lessons
AU: Fossilized Lizard - Raptor❤️

290 2760