Peter, James and John bore witness for the voice they had heard from heaven. It sounded familiar to the frogram, what the voice had said.

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They were puzzled at Jesus' saying. Anyway, the father and the son thanked them all. Andrew thought about Wasabi's word "we could what we could do" Indeed, frogram did their best to save the boy... He sought what was he could do now.

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Encouraged by frogram, the nine disciples tried to cast out the demon, united in prayer.

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The frogram found the disciples other than the three lacking in motivation.

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Peter, James, John had been called by Jesus. What should the frogram do? This time, Wasabi asked Takuan's opinion. Takuan proposed to join Andrew and other disciples.

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Following Andrew, the frogram went back to the ruin of theater. Peter, who had always been cheerful, was now quite cast down.

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While going after Jesus, Andrew went back to find Peter, who was not coming with them. The frogram decided to turn back to go with Andrew, that would mean following Jesus' words.

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The frogram immediately followed Jesus, which inspired the human disciples.

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While the frogram were watching, Jesus foretold before his disciples, about his affliction, death and resurrection.

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In the storm, they saw a shadow approaching. The frogram knew it had been Jesus.

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After the miraculous event peacefully ended, the frogram discussed about the things which had happened. They supposed the first walker would have been Jesus, and the second one of the disciple, maybe Peter, of John.

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The first walker saved the second who had been drowning. Now they were walking together on the sea hand in hand. The frogram were glad to see that.

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On the long and winding way in the mount, the frogram found a cave to stay at night.

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Jesus told to frogram to go wherever they liked, that implied they could freely follow Jesus and his disciples. Receiving his word, Latte suggested the frogs to start.

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The frogram got so contented. They looked for Jesus to thank for his gracious feeding.

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The disciples and the frogram were encouraged that they started to fan out to seek what they could do to provide food....

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Some disciples wanted to make actions. Others suggested just to obey Jesus. One of the women explained to the frogram what was going on.

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Then, Mary came running. Latte had been on the right way again! Peter, Andrew, James, John...all came to see them. The frogram found themselves blessed with many friends.

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Before they leave the elder's garden, the frogram sought him to greet. Soon he was found in the garden, talking with a woman.

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Debora told them that Jesus knew what was happening to him, and he rather wanted the frogram to keep that in mind. The frogs were still puzzled what to say when they would see him. For he was going to die and they knew that!

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