Same CV same CV
fate stay night/genshin crossover sketch

6 33

And yes Artoria's wish means everything to her but she still has her ideals. She is the same idealist that she is in Zero that she is in FSN. And her wish to save her people is not the only thing she wants, otherwise she wouldn't be conflicted with falling in love with Shirou.

0 7

🚀화이트리스트 에어드랍 이벤트

✅코스닥상장사 FSN 파트너
✅선미야클럽 파트너십
✅9년차 브랜드 오롤리데이
✅IP사업 & 메타버스 & 홀더혜택❤️

🎁WL x10



⏰~22일 18:00 마감

49 58

After years, ‘s Black rock shooter/Fate stay night crossover doujinshi ‘Second Summon’ is about to release its second chapter!!
Stay tuned you guys!!😎

8 33

2nd best fsn girl but that bunny girl meme

3 74

Rex quondam. Rexque futurus.

I had a fall back into my longest and biggest simping. Saber! This is heavily inspired by that one scene in Zero, on the lake, against Caster.

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i made myself into a fsn sprite who wants one

0 1

Unlike FF Gilgamesh, FSN’s got me interested in the Epic and Mesopotamian mythology

I now have to lament when Fate/ media provides the tiniest of Gilkidu morsels when I want more

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Artoria Fate Zero suit, Muramasa in FSN Shirou's cloth sprite edit

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Happy Women's Day to Fate Stay Night, Fate/Zero and Hollow Ataraxia who became Servants from FGO!😄💓


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para la ultima stage de los servants de FSN, takeuchi tuvo problemas pensando que agregarle a unos diseños tan icónicos y hacer que represente la forma definitiva del personaje.

al final su solución fue hacerle un remake a los diseños pensando como los habría hecho hoy en día.

8 32

Best FSN girl

Come at me

1 39

In case you didn't know, while FSN Rin's name uses the kanji of "cold" 凛、Extra Rin's name uses the katakana writing リン instead

It's a cool way of distinguishing them!! ✨

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