前は 振り飛車キラー 側だったんだが、今年は 振り飛車党なんだな(^~^)

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パカパン パカパン パカパン パカパン パカパンm9(^~^) この将軍でいいのか知らんけどな(^~^) パカパンm9(^~^)

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今年は sakura かー、新キャラ描かなアカンかー、と思ってたら いけるいける(^~^)! ちょい改造でお手軽に強くするとこだぜ(^~^)

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第5回電王戦でも なんか矢印ついてたしな(^~^) なんか分からんけど付けてみよ(^~^)

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ここは分業のできているチームだな(^~^)やねうら王系でないのは PALとか Noviceとかで狙い撃たれないのが強み(^~^)

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2つ名の付いている将棋ソフトって知らないな(^~^) 「数の暴力 Bonanza」「新無敵囲い 名人コブラ」(^~^)

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vivid memory of riding the school bus reading gamepro or whatever and there being a sentence about not knowing wether roan was 'a girl or a boy' i excitedly re-read it a hundred times and still misunderstood it as a canon plot point. the plot point never came but its in my heart

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And for the faux-retro games they make, it's great, but I can't help but imagine how INSANE and INCREDIBLE it would be if they did that for real retro games. Looking through actual issues of Nintendo Power or Gamepro for tips to clear Strider, or something...

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Learned a new style of prop and background work for a client a while back. It was really awesome and I'm quite proud of what I've done :D

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Rod Cross.
Starting the year drawing my first ever OC, i used to draw this guy way too much in the past, now me and a friend are starting to develop a fighting game and I'm definitely making him the star of the show 😄

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Here are my props for my OC – a peaceful alchemist!

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