Well Fridays ArkToons are all uploaded and read over at https://t.co/TstiTuD8rx but I forgot to name my ArkMoment of the day so I'll make up for it now! It was from Hypergamouse! The please don't tell Apex cracked me up 😄

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San Furnando Trivia
Tabitha, despite being religious, monogamous, and having ever had only one sexual partner, is the only member of my cast who has worked as a professional pornstar.


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Maki Gamou from Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san

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Last year I did some sharks for shark week but I failed this year 😢 so to make up for it I'd thought I'd share the pictures I did last year 😀
Here we have
Great white shark
Megamouth shark
Thrasher shark
Frilled shark
Goblin shark

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All https://t.co/TstiTuD8rx titles are updated and read by me for Friday! So it's time for my ArkMoment of the day! Today's comes from Hypergamouse! What was your ArkMoment of the day?

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non binary, polygamous, gay

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3. lesbian , nonbinary , polygamous

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Up until the 18th century Ob-Ugrians were split into 2 phratries or clans: the Mos and the Por. These essentially formed 2 sepаrate societies with their own customs, rituals and beliefs. All phratry members were considered relatives, thus marriages were arranged exogamously.

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Update! We're at 125 prompts, so here's the updated ship chart. Poly ships are dominating, but 2seok is still our most-prompted monogamous ship!

We've still got 6 days of prompting to go, so if you've got any ideas, there's plenty of time to submit them! https://t.co/my5tZZ2QrA

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MegaMouth for today's Theme:
(big mouth with big teeth)

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Mr. "Well Actually" returns in a new Episode of Hypergamouse from https://t.co/TstiTuD8rx! Read it today to find out how NOT to behave:

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Some classic ArkMoments taken from the ArkVault: here is a HyperGamouse moment that might strike a little close to home for many of us😉

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It's Friday PM here at https://t.co/TstiTuD8rx and we have a brand new episode of the surprise hit satirical comic Hypergamous for your reading pleasure! https://t.co/AK9FoQdFmt

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Intersex, polygamous, Abrosexual, Omnisexual

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Megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios)

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https://t.co/dbrmCjXVxr brings you another Friday afternoon free comic update with The Incredible Gamma AKA Hypergamous! Watch as he struggles with the ladies and realizes that life isn't always a piece of cheese! https://t.co/AK9FoQdFmt

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