Roses From the Garden: watercolour 2022.

57 406

(Eiji Otori) Black Garden: Eric Goods

0 1

(Van Kiryuin) Black Garden: Virgil Goods

0 2

(Kira Sumeragi) Black Garden: Keith Goods

0 1

(Van Kiryuin) Black Garden: Virgil Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 2

(Yamato Hyuga) Black Garden: Hugo

0 3

(Shion Amakusa) Black Garden: Simon Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 3

(Shion Amakusa) Black Garden: Simon

0 1

(Van Kiryuin) Black Garden: Virgil Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 1

(Nagi Mikado) Black Garden: Mika Goods

0 2

Hello everyone! Hope you guys have a wonderful day.

I just minted these NFTs on

Click the link below to add them to your collection:



38 68

(Yamato Hyuga) Black Garden: Hugo Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 3

(Shion Amakusa) Black Garden: Simon

0 3

(Eiji Otori) Black Garden: Eric Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 2

New sales from House Plants by FELT Zine.

Collect today and mint in our garden:

House Plants 4 LYFE. 🍃

2 6

(Eiji Otori) Black Garden: Eric Goods

0 2

I finished 4 anime this month:

Gakou Guraishi: A very cute anime about friendship and teamwork , I love it! Specially the twist! (No spoiler here) 🧟‍♂️✨✨

Violet Evergarden: A drama anime, man, I cried on every single episode, except episode 1, very therapeautic 😭✨✨

1 1

(Yamato Hyuga) Black Garden: Hugo Chibi Goods and Motif Charm

0 4

(Yamato Hyuga) Black Garden: Hugo

2 8