Quick sketch on Reflection of a refletion (kind of)

(I try hard to tame my ambitions 🤣 and I've failed a few times recently)

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Reflection of a reflection (prompt by )

Why not reflecting a ray of light?

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GM! GN! Keep testing the algorithm. Drop on fxhash. Fully generative art. Drop soon.

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Day 16 - Reflection of a Reflection

(busy day, made a remix from yesterday :P)

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vec2 uvI, uv=(FC.xy*2.-r)/min(r.x,r.y)*2.;uvI=uv;for(int i=0;i++<4;uv=-abs(uv)+1.,uv/=length(uv)<.96?dot(uv,uv):1.,uv-=1.);o.rgb+=(smoothstep(.5,1.5,length(abs(uv*rotate2D(t+atan(uvI.y,uvI.x)*2.))-1.)));

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Keep working on next drop for Work on traits now. Drop very soon.

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Sine Waves

Diagrams for standing waves inspired today's prompt. Sets of three are nodes at both ends, a node/anti-node pair, and anti-nodes at both ends.

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Genuary Day 15, prompt: Sine waves
Day 12’s code with a new sine wave warp thing that seems to result in a 1950s to 1960s filter.

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shelved genart project called Graffi (2022)

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Sample a color palette from your favorite movie/album cover
Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History

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I always wanted to learn flow fields. Today is the lucky day!

Much thanks to The Coding Cave youtube channel. His tutorial was amazing.

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