4. Favorite Legendary

In an attempt to make this not all exclusively Gen 4 stuff, I'm gonna put two choices if one of em is from Sinnoh

So I'll go with Regigigas, and Latios/Latias, cuz of the movie with them in it c:

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Personally I quite like the idea of Semblance evolution, makes sense for it to change alongside its user and visibly convey character development in a cool way. I can picture final arc Blake doing clone slashes Keqing style, and Weiss summoning Gigas arms like Raiden Shogun.

3 32

4. Favorite Legendary:

If Ultra Beasts are Legendary, I'm a big fan of Nihilego. Otherwise I'm a Regi fan, and I like Regigigas the most - partially for its sheer underdog status because of how bad its ability makes it. Love its eye pattern. Kyogre was a fav as a kid.

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I colored the concept I made


0 1


Patagona gigas
Giant hummingbird

1 4

Cartas de Regigigas VSTAR de la colección VSTAR Universe

9 74

I love the new final fantasy-esque regigigas and I also love the new fire monkey just because it shows The Company has no problem with cartoony line art stuff which means could feasibly get on a card someday

2 39

Sneak Peek at Regigigas VSTAR Special Art Rare from VSTAR Universe! 🔥

53 870

Regigigas VSTAR, Simisear VSTAR, Hatterene VMAX & More VSTAR Universe Special Art Rare Cards Revealed


72 798

486 Regigigas

De acordo com a Dex, ele foi o Pokémon responsável por mover os continentes, de alguma forma ele fez isso com cordas(normais não devem ser), em LA de acordo com lendas, ele quem teria sido o responsável por ter criado a região de Hisui, mas é bem mais acreditável+

6 229

Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)

83 414

Xing Yi Quan

Burstrike - Fighting/Electric
Gigastrike - Fighting/Electric

16 139

DigiPoll results

🥇Piemon 25%
🥈Andiramon 10%
🥉Ex-Tyranomon 9%
4. Calamaramon 8%
5. Betsumon 8%
6. Oboromon 8%
7. Gyukimon 6%
8. Toropiamon 6%
9. Eyesmon 6%
10. Rare Raremon 5%
11. Manticoremon 3%
12. Sepikmon 2%
13. Gigasmon 2%
14. Musyamon 1%
15. Salamandamon 1%

17 87

El otro día descubrí que los ojos de Regigigas no son los círculos de colores, sino los puntos negros de la frente JAJAJA

14 173

day 2. archispirostreptus gigas

i had a couple of these guys once. my legboyz. i guess i did not know how to care for them properly since they only lasted a couple of months, but i loved them dearly. incredible animals

5 13

Hybrictober Day 3: Gigaspikasaur+ Allonogmius

3 11