Richard Arkwright, inventor and entrepreneur, was born in 1723.

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Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington, died on this day in 1753.

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Harriet Taylor Mill, philosopher and advocate for women’s rights, died in 1858.

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Turner’s evocative work, The Battle of Trafalgar, for This was Turner’s only work by royal command and he spent nearly two weeks at St James’s making unpaid edits to suit the Admiralty. He considered that those edits ruined the painting.

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Charles Howard, The 11th Duke of Norfolk (1746-1815) Having once tripped into his fountain whilst drunk, and nearly drowned. He decided the best means of avoiding such a travesty was to have the offending fountain filled in. Truly a man of sound reasoning. 🤣

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Maria Branwell, mother of the Brontës, died in 1821. Maria was just 28 when she died.

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Grinling Gibbons died in 1721. Walpole wrote of this master wood carver, "[Only Gibbons] gave wood the loose and airy lightness of flowers, and chained together the various productions of the elements with the free disorder natural to each species.”

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The first women's match took place in 1745, when the villages of Bramley and Hambledon met. Hambledon claimed the victory and The Mercury reported that, "The girls bowled, batted, ran and catches as well as most men could do in that game."

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Robert Adam, architect, was born in 1728. Perhaps more than anyone else, Adam is responsible for the look of Georgian Britain thanks to his patronage by rich and fashionable clients.

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The Cherub Harvesters by François Boucher, who died in 1770. I find them just a little bit terrifying, to be honest. If I saw them, I wouldn’t hang around.

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Napoleon abdicated in 1814. Thanks to Abba, we all know what happened to him!

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Konstancja Rzewuska, a keen Polish amateur artist. A touch of the Debbie McGee, I think!

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in my series is The Four Seasons: Winter by François Boucher, 1755.

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Theophilus Cibber, actor and author, was born in 1703. Cibber attracted scandal and Pope wrote that he "thrusts his person full into your face”, which is quite a review!

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The papers of William IV and Adelaide, his queen, are now online! Read more about what they contain here

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