"I want to fight for Winterfell Lady Sansa... if you'll have me"

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choose your fighter
north • south
jon + sansa x jon + daenerys
jonsa • jonerys

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Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watchin you.

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Roasting marshmallows with Drogon’s help! I’m still extremely bitter about what happened to Viserion in season 7 so have some cute dragon family moments

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And how ‘bout that Hound?

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Might have bought some of those Game of Thrones Oreos.

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R.I.P. ネッド・アンバー

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Just watched the latest episode :) It was really cool! Loved to see riding a with
The characters all changed so much! Here's a little I made this morning! Hope you like it!

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