I've been cranking on Artfight stuff today and I'm by far most proud of this friendly fire so far... I... Love 's Giselle a lot...

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I can't remember at all what I accomplished today but, I drew Gal! So I think that was a day well spent! :'D

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Another commission! This time for @ shadowednoire on DeviantART!

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😭Last night I wound down with some party emojis... Now everyone has them as their icons... The campaign hasn't even started...

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I got my tablet working for the moment so I've been putzing around with a zeal cleric... She's been giving me colour palette issues!

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Throwback to this incredibly cute bust of Cyrus I drew forever ago!

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Warm ups for the day- two new Corvus (Dhampir) girls I've had rattling around in my brain for a little bit!

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The Gerhardt family! They're all brilliant and business oriented- Demir is a glass worker, Adile forges weapons, Roise is part of a traveling carvan, Lile is the shop keep for their home base, and Loch is a traveling fence!

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Visions in my mind about to keep me from fear

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I made a deal with the stars to keep holding

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Today is a concept art sort of day- first up is the Euanthe Oliver, youngest daughter of Artemisia & Ettore! Like her mother, she's an artist and integrates her painting style into the magic she casts!

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Cool down sketch from last night!! I love this meme format ajsdasjda

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I'll embrace the light, and THEN I'll be alright

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