i am pleased with how cute I managed to make a rock ❤️ lol that's 58 down, 93 to go!

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The anime leaves out the Rockbombs from the group of Flazzard’s mooks (why yes, Rockbombs are the inspiration for the Pokémon Graveler, why do you ask?)

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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66 - Machop
Type: Fighting

It trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.

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Geodude: Small rock with an anime face and two arms, yes very good

Graveler: Same basic concept but bigger, lots of bits, another pair of arms, can now participate in leg day but doesn't want to, sure fine evolution on rock that fights

Golem: Dinosaur in a boulder??????????????

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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66 - Machop
Type: Fighting

It trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.

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That's too much special attack for one poke

Here's another thinker:

When Graveler evolves into Golem, where does Graveler's extra arms go?

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I recently did some doodle requests on my Insta about some lesser loved I gotta admit, I do actually like these mons’s designs a lot and I still feel like Gen 7 is still really underrated overall 😔

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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66 - Machop
Type: Fighting

It trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.

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I'm gonna try to get back into the groove of doing that daily random drawing thing. Tonight is a Pokemon I don't usually think much about and I'm happy with how this turned out. It's number 75,

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題名: の乗り心地も悪くないかも❗️

クリエイターズスタンプで スタンプと検索おねがいします🙇‍♀️

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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Rio's first Gym battle with Pewter City's Flint back in his youth. Rio armed with Bubbles (Squirtle) and King (Nidoran) take on Flint's Graveler

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75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground

It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.

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66 - Machop
Type: Fighting

It trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.

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