Vana Bratakou Nicolae Grigorescu (15 May 1838 – 21 July 1907) was a Romanian painter..

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Nicolae Grigorescu (15 May 1838 – 21 July 1907) was a Romanian painter..

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Yes, next to Andreescu another romanian painter. Thank you, that you admitted! Here are other painting of Grigorescu!

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How about this? (from Lucian Grigorescu) View Towards Sf. Spiridon Church

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With inspiration from and many thanks to for sharing the love of art.

Matisse, La Blouse Roumaine
Grigorescu, Portrait of a Little Peasant Girl

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Bună ziua, dragă prietene! Așa este Nicolae Grigorescu pictorul romanilor, a pictat bisericile, soldații și țăranii romani dar mai ales tarancutele. Aici câteva tarancute vesele! Să ai o zi frumoasă de vineri și un weekend minunat!

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Nicolae Grigorescu
Pictor roman
"Flori de mar"

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