画質 高画質

its extremely scary to think this is the only platform i managed to grow since 2015 and it might as well be gone or become unviable overnight any day now and i might as well become jobless because of this
its probably too late to grow an Insta per example
it keeps me up at night

77 1638

OMG, Mizutsune's model has the UV map inverted on some of the hair card meshes.

Notice how the strands of hair "grow" from the air and attach to the body, instead of the other way around.

I'm going to fix that.

15 243

Drank coffee today, went off to clean some old sketches🔥✨💕 Chepi wants to grow out her hair like Datura yippee (oc)

16 172

May every curly girl grow up loving their hair 🎀

2312 12914

she’s starting to grow on me…

for more Lois, link in bio!

49 837

The frequent rain these days makes it quite humid. People jokingly say it feels like we might grow gills

9 69

I ll grow old with you in the future

278 2189

English Translation
Artist commentary : Hina who only wishes to grow taller.

Hina-Kisaki United Front.

103 515

hmmm - is it just me or did AUnn's ears grow bigger

5 78

Thanks for 40,000 followers!⛧
I hope to continue to draw many more and continue to grow further✍🏽😈🖤

188 1820

Found another scumbag jumping for joy over a potential su*cide note and deletes the tweet when they catch hate.

Actual fucking coward. Dogpile on someone too nice to fight back, cheer when they're possibly dead and can't even face the backlash. Grow a spine.

28 184

cats grow and shrink

44 287

Just relax. The garden will grow on its own 💚

3222 15195

Xerxes commanding a local ostrich riding Takura korkin to scout Takurium ruins to see how much the Astarts have rebuilt it.

Takura korkins have much longer dagdza (The 6 snakes that grow out of their heads) than most other types of korkins.

10 33

line is done, at least in this version. I would try to let him grow old and have a nice suit later

8 35

Nendoroid Obito Uchiha from Naruto is available for preorder from GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP US! Add the mastermind of Akatsuki to your collection and grow one step closer to completing your Naruto set!

Shop: https://t.co/RWAjMaJ5sX

168 750

Hope we grow old, but never grow up.

515 2662