So I decided to name her
Meet Cassandra (Cassidy) Grimm Azrael
Ac-130 gunship aero
age: 21
Race: Aeroan
Gender: Female
Height: 15ft to 98ft to 18,000ft
Hair color: Black
Fur/Skin color: dark brown

18,000ft = 5500m
personality: amiable, excitable, kind, protective and curious

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Ya know I always wondered if some ppl at id Software were fans of Metroid from the way Eternal was designed

Turns out one of the environmental artists literally made his own version of Samus’s gunship, lol

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GUNSHIP - When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies / Dark All Day

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.: Fly for your Life:. Gozen and Plotva got into a nasty battle and had to fight enemy mid air above the Castle Nathria.
Was inspired by song Gunship - Fly for your life.

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Wide target dispersal calls for mobile airborne force able to move from settlement to settlement. More specialised troops for seeking out insurgents and neutralising strong points ahead of main marine dropzones. Gunships to provide on call support to dropships

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Concept design for gunship nose art
― Weapons Factory Concept Art Gallery

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bomber zeta
gunship zeta
interceptor zeta

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and yes this is the metroid dread gunship interior model 😲

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Gunship Thunderpunch book 2 is still available on Indiegogo while I'm racing to finish it!

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One of the best simulators on the Gunship 2000 unmatched GFX and speed for the time, excellent scenarios, early morning raids and night missions, an amiga essential

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Remembering Din Djarin’s modified gunship - The Razor Crest

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Lighting concept of Kenobi and clones in the gunship
from Innocents of Ryloth Concept Art Gallery

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