guzzler, print ad, commodore 64 (1984)

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Really excited for Sons of Behemat. I painted this Aleguzzler back when they were giants, must be around 10 years ago. Can't wait to see some of the new kits.

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Since I'm lacking any new art to post, thought I'd share some older drawings of my progress as I develop my Tea Killer, adventurer and infamous tea guzzler. I have yet to do a color pic of her, so that's coming soon.

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Kowalski the Gnome Bard and her best friend-Blacktooth the Bloodguzzler, Scourge of all cardinal directions, devourer of defilers.
Kowalski likes bread and Blacktooth likes the baker.

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Zendach Virgil, Mont Blanc, Macaroon Bloodguzzler and Cheega Torrence.
In this house, we impulsively make tieflings because we love tieflings

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Aleguzzler completed. I put this together the week it was released, so many problems with missed mold lines and gaps. Not only that but paint coming off cos I had primed it so long ago. Lessons learnt! In the end the skin injuries got used to cover up these things!

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guzzler's having a hot night tonight

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